new paths

The Central Path Project Autumn 2020 to Spring 2021

Over the years, the paths in the centre of the Crescent Road site have fallen into quite bad disrepair. They were uneven, sloping, of various widths, and in places overgrown with bramble and weeds.

Last autumn, using the example the stretch of path between plots 220 and 235, we set about restoring the paths, section by section.

The work is now complete and special thanks go to Joyce Butcher for all her thought, planning and very hard work, helped by Adele and Paul, Helen B, Doug, Garry, Steve, James, Neil and the Szope family. You can see the results below – great work!

We hope you enjoy using the path. Please help us to keep the woodchip sections topped up, the grass sections mown and the edges strimmed for the use and enjoyment of us all.